Bench Dolmen - Linea 01

Gruppo Industriale Tegolaia Srl

Urban furniture -  in production

The client’s request was to study a series of objects that could revitalize the company catalogue and provide greater market recognition based on the company’s technological and productive specificities. The idea for the 01 line of products was to treat the urban furniture as a domestic object based on memory (concept of archetype) in the conviction that common public spaces with social functions are the city’s interior spaces with their own identity, and not anonymous left-over spaces; to seek a certain essentiality and simplicity in terms of style; and to use the finest quality of vibrated concrete in order to be able to colour it in the mass and to reinforce it with a special fibrous material to keep the thickness and mass of the object at a minimum.

In particular the sitting dolmen in concrete represents the concept of bench conceived as the only block of stone to sit on, it is a reminder to the value of origin, the archetype of the seat combined with a standardization and geometrical simplification of the two elements that compose it.

Casier (TV)
Tegolaia SRL
Urban furniture
Paolo Bornello with R. Zorzetto
Design, Innovazione, Ricerca, Materiali

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