Locanda Sandi

Valdobbiadene (TV)

Renovation, interiors, built

The project involves the renovation of a typical rural building in the countryside of Treviso, currently in a state of total ruin, and destined to become a restaurant and lodge. The idea of the project therefore aims at reconstructing the imagery related to this architecture, trying somehow to find the essence that characterizes it and in our intention wishes to remain vital. For this reason the renovation will not be merely an exercise in mimicry or style, but will appear as a syntactic experimentation where the spaces and the elements typical of a country house are freely composed. In this perspective, for example, a large internal box made completely out of wood and large glass panels is built inside the annex building to hold the restaurant, or the typical brick screen of barns is used as a sunscreen to modulate the natural light, or the large fireplace is intentionally oversized. All of these elements are built exclusively with antique and time-worn materials coming from other demolitions.

Valdobbiadene (TV)
Azienda Vitivinicola Villa Sandi Srl
Guest-house and restaurant
Paolo Bornello with R. Zorzetto
R. Ciani Bassetti
Restauro, Architettura d'interni, Abitare, Materiali, Architettura produttiva

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